Caninsulin Syringes 1ml - Pack of 30
***Please note*** These will temporarily be substituted with 30 SOL-M syringes due to a long term manufacturer's shortage, but will be identical. Syringes with needles for use with Caninsulin insulin
Diabetes is a common condition in dogs, especially older or obese dogs. The most common form of diabetes in dogs is insulin-deficiency diabetes, which is marked by the inability of the pet’s body to produce enough insulin on its own. Diabetes occurs when glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells for use as energy.
Dogs can develop diabetes, a chronic condition that occurs when their bodies are no longer able to produce or use insulin properly. When a dog has diabetes, his blood sugar is too high (hyperglycemia), which can lead to serious complications. Because diabetes doesn’t go away on its own, it must be treated with insulin injections daily and an appropriate diet.
How is diabetes diagnosed in Dogs?
Your Vet will first test your dog fo...
Diabetes is a common condition in dogs, especially older or obese dogs. The most common form of diabetes in dogs is insulin-deficiency diabetes, which is marked by the inability of the pet’s body to produce enough insulin on its own. Diabetes occurs when glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into cells for use as energy.
Dogs can develop diabetes, a chronic condition that occurs when their bodies are no longer able to produce or use insulin properly. When a dog has diabetes, his blood sugar is too high (hyperglycemia), which can lead to serious complications. Because diabetes doesn’t go away on its own, it must be treated with insulin injections daily and an appropriate diet.
How is diabetes diagnosed in Dogs?
Your Vet will first test your dog for the presence of glucose and ketones in the urine. If indicated, the next step is to measure your dog's blood glucose concentration. The diagnosis only becomes definite when glucose is found both in the urine and at a high level in the blood.
***Please note*** These will temporarily be substituted with 30 SOL-M syringes due to a long term manufacturer's shortage, but will be identical. Syringes with needles for use with Caninsulin insulin
***Please note*** These will temporarily be substituted with SOL-M syringes due to a long term manufacturer's shortage, but will be identical. Syringes with needles for use with Caninsulin insulin
BD Microfine Insulin syringes with needles. Not usually for use with Caninsulin insulin
AlphaTRAK 2 test strips are for use with the AlphaTRAK 2 glucose monitor system designed specifically for cats and dogs.
Using Alphatrak Test Strips is simple and convenient. The strips require only a small blood sample, which can be easily obtained from your cat or dog's ear or paw pad. The test strip is then inserted into the Alphatrak Blood Glucose Monitoring System, and within seconds, the device will display your cat or dog's current blood glucose level. This vital information allows you to make informed decisions about your pet's diet, exercise, and insulin therapy, ultimately helping you manage their diabetes more effectively.
50 Pack