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Should I worm my Rabbit?

 Cheaper Rabbit Wormers such as Panacur

Small Animals

Should I worm my Rabbit?

Bunnies can catch worms, just like cats and dogs. But unlike the former two, regular worming treatments aren't required. This isn't to say it doesn't happen—but it's not something you need to worry about unless you notice symptoms of infestation.

Due to their naturally clean living, rabbits are generally less susceptible to worms than cats and dogs. But, you can't afford to be complacent with rabbit care - rabbits can easily contract a dose of worms from contaminated food or just by borrowing your dog's poop!

Rabbits only need to be wormed once or twice a year. This means that regular treatments for cats and dogs aren't required. Once your rabbit has worms, it can cause serious damage to their digestive tract, which can lead to a painful death.
