Avipro Avian is a blend of probiotics, prebiotics and a selection of essential vitamins (A,C and E). The probiotics work to improve the gut health of birds by allowing the friendly bacteria to re-establish and thrive. These beneficial bacteria are vital for digesting food, producing certain vitamins, and protecting the gut from harmful bacteria.
Prebiotics are essentially the food for the friendly bacteria. They foster a suitable environment in the gut, ensuring that the beneficial bacteria can thrive and multiply. With the support of prebiotics, Avipro for Birds boosts the bird’s gut health, establishing a robust digestive system.
Additionally, Avipro Avian contains a trio of essential vitamins - A, C, and E. These vitamins play critical roles, from supporting the immune system to antioxidant protection. When birds undergo stress or any veterinary treatments, these vitamins often deplete. Avipro Avian ensures that these vitamins are replenished, supporting the bird's overall health.