Laxatract for Dogs and Cats - 50ml Laxatract Lactulose
Laxatract for Dogs and Cats is a laxative that is used to help relieve constipation in dogs and cats. Laxatract is perfect for the treatment of constipation due to intestinal atony after surgery, hairballs and massive intestinal contents.
Laxatract for Dogs and Cats is specifically formulated to alleviate constipation and promote regular bowel movements. The active ingredient in Laxatract is lactulose, a synthetic sugar that works as an osmotic laxative. When administered, lactulose is not absorbed by the body but instead travels to the colon, where it draws water into the bowel. This process softens the stool and makes it easier for your pet to pass, providing relief from the discomfort associated with constipation.
50ml Laxatract comes in a convenient liquid form, making it easy to administer to both dogs and cats. The dosage of Laxatract will be determined by your Vet based on the weight and specific needs of your pet. Laxatract is typically mixed with food or given directly to ensure proper ingestion. Regular monitoring and follow-up with your Vet are essential to adjust the dosage as needed and to ensure the optimal health of your pet.
More Information
Laxatract for Dogs and Cats - Highly effective laxative for Pets
Laxatract 50ml for dogs and cats is a highly effective treatment option for the treatment of constipation, hairballs and partial obstructions. Laxatract should be used as soon as possible after surgery, to help prevent atony in which the intestines don't empty properly, or when needed for any other disease conditions where defecation is difficult.
Laxatract for Dogs and Cats is generally safe when used as directed. However, it is important to follow your veterinarian's instructions carefully. Overdosage or prolonged use without veterinary supervision can lead to potential side effects such as diarrhoea or electrolyte imbalance. Ensure that fresh water is always available for your pet, as increased water intake is necessary when using an osmotic laxative like Laxatract.
50ml Laxatract is your best choice for treating constipation in your pets. It contains a poweful laxative that safely stimulate the defecation reflex and relieve the dog's discomfort. Laxatract for Dogs can also be used to treat various gastrointestinal issues (such as proctitis).
Legal Category
Laxatract is a POM-V (Veterinary Pet Prescription required)