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Palladia - 10mg Palladia Tablets for Dogs - Per Tablet
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Palladia - 10mg Palladia Tablets for Dogs - Per Tablet


£4.97 (inc. VAT)

Palladia 10mg for Dogs - Treatment for Mast Cell Tumours in Dogs

Mast cell tumours are a prevalent type of cancer in dogs, responsible for a large portion of all canine skin tumors. These malignant growths develop from mast cells, a type of white blood cell. Early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial in managing this condition, and 10mg Palladia for dogs provides a highly effective solution.

10mg Palladia for dogs lies in its ability to target specific proteins involved in the growth and spread of cancerous cells. By inhibiting the activity of these proteins, Palladia effectively halts tumor progression. This targeted approach allows 10mg Palladia to attack the cancerous cells while sparing healthy ones, reducing the overall side effects on your dog.

How do 10mg Palladia Tablets Work?

The active substance in Palladia 10mg Tablets is toceranib phosphate. This compound belongs to a class of medicines known for their anticancer activity. Toceranib functions as a receptor-tyrosine-kinase inhibitor. In simpler terms, it blocks specific enzymes known as tyrosine kinases. These enzymes are found in mast-cell tumours and play a pivotal role in the growth and spread of cancer cells and the development of blood vessels. By inhibiting these enzymes, Palladia Tablets for Dogs can control abnormal cell growth and prevent the further progression of the tumour.


Product Features

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  • Pack Size: - Sold Individually
  • Target Animal: - Dog (Canine)
  • Related Condition: - Mast cell tumours in dogs
  • Pet Prescription Required?: - Yes (For UK Orders)
  • Active Ingredient: - Toceranib Phosphate
  • Product Name: - 10mg Palladia Tablets for Dogs

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10mg Palladia Tablets for Dogs - Treatment for Mast Cell Tumours in Dogs

Palladia may only be supplied with a valid veterinary prescription issued by your vet. You should only purchase Palladia if you have or are in the process of arranging such a prescription. See information bar for further details.  

Palladia 10mg tablets for dogs contain 10mg toceranib phosphate. Each Palladia tablet is round in shape, marked with the Pfizer logo on one side and the strength on the other. The 10mg Palladia tablet is blue. Cutaneous mast cell tumours are a prevalent concern in the canine world. These tumours, often found on the skin, can range from benign to highly malignant. Addressing this issue, the medical community has introduced Palladia 10mg for Dogs, a film-coated tablet designed specifically to treat non-resectable Patnaik grade II or III, recurrent, cutaneous mast cell tumours in dogs.

Extensive research and clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of 10mg Palladia for dogs in treating mast cell tumors. Many cases have shown significant tumor reduction, and in some instances, even complete tumor regression. This makes 10mg Palladia a vital treatment option for dogs battling mast cell tumors. Mast cell tumours (MCTs) are a type of skin cancer that originates from mast cells. These cells play a crucial role in a dog's immune response, especially in relation to allergies. When these cells become cancerous, they can lead to the formation of tumours on the skin and sometimes even in the internal organs. The severity of these tumours can vary, with some being benign and others malignant. The latter can be particularly aggressive, spreading to other parts of the body.

Palladia is used for the treatment of non-resectable Patnaik grade II (intermediate grade) or III (high grade), recurrent, cutaneous mast cell tumours in dogs. When surgical removal of the tumour is not an option, 10mg Palladia for Dogs offers a viable alternative. It is specifically formulated for tumours that are severe in character, have recurred, and cannot be surgically removed. The tablets are film-coated, ensuring ease of administration.

Dosage and administration

For oral use.

Palladia tablets can be administered with or without food. The dosage and duration of the treatment with 10mg Palladia Tablets will vary depending on the dog's weight, the severity of the condition, and the veterinarian's recommendation. It's imperative to follow the prescribed dosage and not to alter or discontinue the treatment without consulting the veterinarian.

The initial recommended dose of Palladia is 3.25 mg/kg bodyweight, administered every second day (see dosing table for details).

The dose given should be based on veterinary assessments conducted weekly for the first six weeks and, thereafter, every six weeks. Duration of treatment depends on the response to treatment.

Treatment should continue in the case of stable disease, or partial or complete response, provided that the product is sufficiently well tolerated. In case of tumour progression, treatment is unlikely to be successful and should be reviewed.

Dose adjustment/reduction

To manage adverse reactions, the dose of Palladia may be reduced to 2.75 mg/kg bodyweight or further to 2.25 mg/kg bodyweight administered every second day or treatment can be discontinued for up to two weeks (see Dose Adjustment table on the following page).

Contra-indications, warnings, etc

Do not use Palladia in pregnant or lactating bitches or in dogs intended for breeding.

Do not use in cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

Do not use Palladia 10mg in dogs less than 2 years of age or less than 3 kg bodyweight.

Do not use in dogs with gastrointestinal bleeding.

For any mast cell tumour treatable by surgery, surgery should be the first choice of treatment.

Dogs should be carefully monitored. Dose reductions and/or dose interruptions may be needed to manage adverse events. Treatment with Palladia should be reviewed weekly for the first six weeks and every six weeks thereafter or at intervals deemed appropriate by the veterinarian. Evaluations should include assessment of clinical signs reported by the pet owner.

To appropriately use the dose adjustment table it is advised that a complete blood cell count, serum chemistry panel and urinalysis be conducted prior to initiation of treatment and approximately one month after treatment is initiated; thereafter at approximately six week intervals or as determined by the veterinarian. Periodic monitoring of laboratory variables should be completed in the context of the clinical signs and condition of the animal and results of laboratory variables at prior visits.

The safety of Palladia was evaluated in mast cell tumour-bearing dogs with the following:

Absolute neutrophil count > 1500/microlitre

Haematocrit > 25%

Platelet count > 75,000/microlitre

ALT or AST < 3x upper normal limit

Bilirubin < 1.25x upper normal limit

Creatinine < 2.5 mg/dl

Blood urea nitrogen < 1.5x upper normal limit

Palladia can cause vascular dysfunction which can lead to oedema and thromboembolism, including pulmonary thromboembolism. Discontinue treatment until clinical signs and clinical pathology have normalised. Before performing surgery, discontinue treatment for at least 3 days in order to assure vasculature homeostasis.

If systemic mastocytosis is present, standard pre-emptive care (e.g., H-1 and H-2 blockers) should be implemented prior to initiation of Palladia to avoid or minimize clinically significant mast cell degranulation and subsequent potentially severe systemic side effects.

Palladia has been associated with diarrhoea or gastrointestinal bleeding which may be severe and requires prompt treatment. Dose interruptions and dose reductions may be needed depending upon the severity of clinical signs.

In rare cases, serious and sometimes fatal gastrointestinal complications including gastrointestinal perforation occurred in dogs treated with Palladia. If gastrointestinal ulceration is suspected, whether or not due to Palladia or to mast cell tumour degranulation, stop the administration of Palladia and treat appropriately.

10mg Palladia is metabolised in the liver and in the absence of any studies on the effects of renal or hepatic impairment, should be used with caution in dogs suffering from hepatic disease.

To ensure optimal results, it is crucial to follow the recommended dosage and administration guidelines for 10mg Palladia for dogs. Your Vet will prescribe the appropriate dosing regimen based on your dog's weight and specific needs. Adhering to these guidelines will help maximise the medication's effectiveness while minimising potential side effects.

Pregnant women should not routinely administer Palladia, should avoid contact with faeces, urine and vomit from treated dogs and broken or moistened Palladia tablets.

Ingestion of Palladia may be harmful for children. Children must not come into contact with Palladia. Keep children away from faeces, urine or vomit of treated dogs.

Gastrointestinal discomfort such as vomiting or diarrhoea may occur if this drug is accidentally ingested. In the case of accidental ingestion, seek medical advice immediately and show Package Leaflet or label to the physician.

Pharmaceutical precautions

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the carton.

Palladia does not require any special storage conditions.

Any unused veterinary medicinal product or waste materials derived from such veterinary medicinal products should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

For animal treatment only.

Legal category
Palladia is a POM-V (Pet Prescription Required)

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15mg Palladia for Dogs - Treatment for Canine Mast Cell Tumours

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This targeted approach minimises the overall side effects on your pet, making it a safer and more effective option for treating mast cell tumours.

Research and clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of 50mg Palladia for dogs in treating these tumours, with many cases showing significant tumour reduction and, in some instances, complete regression. This makes 50mg Palladia an essential treatment option for dogs battling mast cell tumours. Our emphasis on fast delivery ensures that your pet receives their Palladia promptly, giving them the best chance for a quick and successful recovery.


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Masivet is a prescription-only tablet for use against Mast Cell Tumours in dogs. Masivet 150mg is regarded as safe enough to be used at home, and is given as a tablet once daily. Not all dogs respond, but results can be very helpful for others. Close supervision by your vet is recommended.

150mg Masivet for Dogs contains an active ingredient called masitinib. This ingredient belongs to a class of medicines with an anti-cancer action. Masitinib is a protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor, meaning it specifically targets and blocks certain enzymes, particularly the c-kit receptor found on the surface of cells. Some mast cell tumours are associated with a mutation that leads to excessive activity of the c-kit receptor, causing the mast cells to divide uncontrollably. By inhibiting these receptors, Masivet 150mg for Dogs helps control cell division, preventing further development of tumours with this specific mutation.

